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Installing ethereal-react can be done with any npm-compatible package manager, such as yarn, npm. We recommend pnpm, as it provides a great user experience, and is incredibly fast.

pnpm add ethereal-react


The package makes extensive use of ethers for interactions with Ethereum. You do not need to directly install this package, but it may be useful for more advanced use-cases. We recommend reviewing the docs of ethers to gain a basic understanding of the library.

Importing the package

The ethereal-react package exports modern ES modules, in addition to legacy formats. Using ES modules is preferred, as it allows for the package to be effectly tree-shaken, which can result in smaller bundles being delivered to end-users. For example, using the named exports from the package with ESM works as follows:

import { Provider } from "ethereal-react";

If your project uses CommonJS, then you can use require with ethereal-react as well:

const { Provider } = require("ethereal-react");