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API Reference

All methods are named exports from the svelte-relay package.

This Document Is Incomplete

This API documentation is not complete. Currently, I recommend reading the "Using Svelte Relay" documents, as they contain more detailed information about how to use the library.

Not For Beginners

This documentation is not the most approachable, and is written to be a comprehensive overview of the public API of the package. If you're getting started with the package, I recommend you read the Using Svelte Relay guide instead.

Svelte APIs#

These APIs work in Svelte components, and may not be used outside of Svelte.


Sets a Relay Environent in the Svelte Context. Any Svelte component that is under the component tree of the component that calls this method can access the Relay Environment by calling getRelayEnvironment().

For details on how to create a Relay Environment, you can reference the Relay documentation.


  • env: Environment - The environment to set in the Svelte context.


Gets the current Relay Environment from the Svelte Context. If no environment is found, an error will be thrown.

Return: Environment

General APIs#

These APIs work outside of Svelte, and can be called at any time.


A function that is used as a tagged template literal. This function is used by the Relay Compiler to generate artifacts for your GraphQL queries.


  • source: string - The raw text for the GraphQL query. This must be defined statically in a template literal to be understood by the Relay Compiler.

Return: GraphQLTag - A tagged GraphQL query.


This method is never be called in production, and is instead used to define GraphQL queries so that the Relay Compiler can generate code.