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Making Queries

A GraphQL query is a request that can be sent to a GraphQL server in combination with a set of variables, in order to fetch some data. It consists of a selection of fields, and potentially includes other fragments.

To fetch and render a query in Svelte Relay, you can use the getQuery() function. This function accepts a GraphQL query. Let's set up our first query and a component to display the data:

<script>    import { getQuery, graphql } from 'svelte-relay';    const query = getQuery(graphql`        query UserQuery {            currentUser {                id                firstName                lastName            }        }    `);</script>

After creating this file, you will need to run the relay-compiler to process the newly-created GraphQL query and generate the appropriate files.

To consume the data from the query, we can use the Svelte await block. This allows us to wait for a Promise to resolve, and display different UIs based on the error or loading state.

{#await $query}<div>Loading...</div>{:then data}<h1>{data.currentUser.firstName} {data.currentUser.lastName}</h1>{:catch error}<div>Error: {error.message}</div>{/await}

The return value of getQuery() is a Svelte Store. By prefixing it with $, we automatically subscribe to the latest data from the GraphQL query.

Passing Variables#

The getQuery() method accepts a second argument, which is the variables to provide to the query.