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In GraphQL, data in the server is updated using GraphQL Mutations. Mutations are read-write server operations, which both modify data in the backend, and allow querying for the modified data from the server in the same request.

To set up a mutation in Svelte Relay, you can use the getMutation() function. This function accepts a GraphQL query, and returns a function that can be used to perform the mutation.

<script>    import { getMutation, graphql } from 'svelte-relay';
    const commit = getMutation(graphql`        mutation UserFirstNameMutation($firstName: String!) {            setFirstName(firstName: $firstName) {                id                firstName            }        }    `);
    let firstName = '';
    function handleSubmit() {        commit({            variables: {                firstName,            }        })    }</script>
<form on:submit|preventDefault={handleSubmit}>    First Name: <input bind:value={firstName} />    <button type="submit">Save</button></form>

After creating this file, you will need to run the relay-compiler to process the newly-created GraphQL query and generate the appropriate files.

The options that the commit() function accepts is the same as the Relay commitMutation() method. Read the Relay Documentation for more details on these options..

Waiting for Mutations#

Often, you will perform some action after a commit() succeeds or fails. For example, performing navigation to a new page, or displaying a toast to inform the user that the action completed successfully.

To support these experiences, the return value from calling commit() is promise. This promise can be awaited, and will be resolved with the data returned from the server.

async function handleSubmit() {    await commit({ variables });    navigate('/new/page');}

If an error occurs in the mutation, the promise will be rejected with the error. You can use try/catch to handle these errors.

async function handleSubmit() {    try {        await commit({ variables });        navigate('/new/page');    } catch (e) {        displayToast(`An error ocurred: ${e.message}`);    }}

Reading Current Mutation State#

The commit returned from getMutation() is a Svelte Store that contains state:

  • isInFlight - If the mutation HTTP request is currently in-flight. Starts with false.
  • data - The response data from the server if the mutation succeeds. Starts with undefined.
  • error - The error data from the server if the mutation fails. Starts with undefined.

This state is useful for loading state, disabling buttons, and showing success states in the UI when a commit succeeds.

To read this state, you can use the Svelte Store Auto-subscriptions, and read the state by prefixing the variable with $.

<script>    import { getMutation, graphql } from 'svelte-relay';
    const commit = getMutation(graphql`        mutation DoSomethingMutation {            doSomething        }    `);</script>
{#if $}    <div>Commit completed!</div>{:else if $commit.error}    <div>Error: {$commit.error.message}</div>{:else}    <button disabled={$commit.isInFlight} on:click={() => commit()}>Commit</button>{/if}